Adamawa State University, Mubi

Since 2002 when Adamawa State University, Mubi was established, the Institution has been striving to meet the stated goal of providing “Education for Development”. However, the University is concerned with its commitment to the immediate environment, mindful of our position as a tertiary institution of learning with universal responsibilities. We are therefore working towards establishing a world class University that addresses our local problems within the context of intellectualism that is broad based and international in outlook.
We have therefore defined our purpose, as a citadel of learning geared towards achieving the ideals of developing academic and professional abilities of our staff and students, to give them competitive advantage in an ever-changing world. Our focus is now geared towards Agriculture, which is the main stay of our people and ICT which is the future path to human development. Ours is a commitment to development within the context of present realities and the expectation of the future. In this brief brochure we have attempted to present some of the necessary information that will be helpful in making informed decisions on matters relating to our triple Information Brochure mandate of Teaching, Research and Community services. It gives you a brief on our uniqueness as a very promising University located in a serene, peaceful and accommodating environment.